As we enter 2024, it’s crucial for both bricklayers and those in need of their services to stay informed about the current hourly rates across the United Kingdom. Bricklaying is a fundamental trade in the construction industry, and the demand for skilled bricklayers remains high. In this article, we’ll provide an in-depth look at the anticipated bricklayer hourly rates for 2024, considering factors such as experience, location, and market conditions.

Factors Affecting Bricklayer Hourly Rates

Several key factors influence the hourly rates of bricklayers in the UK:

  1. Experience and Qualifications: Bricklayers with extensive experience and advanced qualifications, such as NVQs or City & Guilds certifications, generally command higher hourly rates.
  2. Location: Hourly rates can vary significantly across different regions of the UK, with London and the South East typically having higher rates due to higher living costs and increased demand for construction services.
  3. Market Demand: In areas with a high volume of construction projects and a shortage of skilled bricklayers, hourly rates may be driven up as companies compete to secure the best talent.
  4. Project Complexity: Complex or specialized bricklaying projects, such as those involving intricate designs or heritage buildings, may warrant higher hourly rates due to the additional skill and time required.
  5. Self-Employed vs. Employed: Self-employed bricklayers may have slightly higher hourly rates to account for additional business expenses and overheads.

Bricklayer Hourly Rates 2024: UK Overview

Based on current industry trends and projections, here is an overview of the anticipated bricklayer hourly rates for 2024 across the United Kingdom:

Experience Level Hourly Rate Range
Apprentice £6 – £10
Newly Qualified £12 – £18
Experienced (3-5 years) £18 – £25
Senior/Master Bricklayer £25 – £35+

Please note that these figures are averages and can vary based on the specific job requirements, the bricklayer’s reputation, and regional market conditions.

Regional Variations in Bricklayer Hourly Rates

To provide a more detailed picture of bricklayer hourly rates across the UK, let’s break it down by region:

  • London & South East: Bricklayers in this region typically command the highest hourly rates, ranging from £20 to £40+ per hour, depending on experience and qualifications.
  • Midlands & East Anglia: Hourly rates in these regions are slightly lower than in London, with experienced bricklayers earning between £18 and £30 per hour.
  • North England: In the North of England, bricklayer hourly rates range from £16 to £28 per hour, with senior bricklayers at the higher end of the scale.
  • Scotland: Bricklayers in Scotland can expect hourly rates between £17 and £30, depending on their experience and the location of the project.
  • Wales & South West: In Wales and the South West of England, hourly rates for bricklayers range from £16 to £28, with experienced professionals earning at the higher end of the scale.
  • Northern Ireland: Bricklayer hourly rates in Northern Ireland are typically lower than in other parts of the UK, ranging from £14 to £25 per hour.

It’s important to remember that these regional variations are general trends, and actual hourly rates may differ based on specific location, project requirements, and the bricklayer’s reputation.

brown and black brick wall

Negotiating Bricklayer Hourly Rates

When hiring a bricklayer or negotiating rates as a bricklayer, consider the following tips:

  1. Discuss the Project Scope: Clearly outline the project requirements, timelines, and any special considerations that may impact the hourly rate.
  2. Consider Experience and Qualifications: Bricklayers with more experience and advanced qualifications may command higher rates, but they can also bring added value to the project through their expertise and efficiency.
  3. Get Multiple Quotes: If you’re hiring a bricklayer, obtain quotes from several professionals to compare rates and assess the market.
  4. Be Transparent About Budget: If you have a specific budget in mind, be upfront about it with the bricklayer to ensure that expectations are aligned from the start.
  5. Don’t Sacrifice Quality for Cost: While it’s important to secure a competitive rate, be cautious of bricklayers offering significantly lower prices, as this may indicate a lack of experience or subpar workmanship.

By approaching rate negotiations with transparency, respect, and a focus on value, both bricklayers and those hiring them can find mutually beneficial arrangements.


As we navigate the UK construction landscape in 2024, staying informed about bricklayer hourly rates is crucial for both bricklayers and those in need of their services. By understanding the factors that influence these rates and the regional variations across the country, you can make informed decisions and ensure fair compensation for quality work.

Remember to consider experience, qualifications, and project complexity when determining hourly rates, and always prioritize open communication and transparency in rate negotiations.

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